Value life!

7:14 AM

I value my life...becoz I love life and everything that touches me in so many ways.... soulful music,divine nature, innocent children, inspiring book, successful people...they all give me enough reasons to celebrate life.
I value my life too much to squander it in unimportant and trivial issues.I am preoccupied with my 'mission', my 'personal legend'like a woman possessed.I have time for nothing else. Time is fast slipping out...There's no time to mull and fret and worry...It's action time guys!!!!
I renew my vows and refresh my vision every morning. I reaffirm my belief in my reasons and dreams. I try very hard to negate the influences of all the distractions that surround me. At times, I do give in... but other times, I fight back and do not surrender.Striking a balance is the key, my friend.At the end of the day, what the world really cares for is the end result...the final outcome. Your struggle and pain is of no value to them. Therefore, pursue your purpose and potential in life. That's your holy duty to yourself. You owe atleast this much to yourself, buddy.

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