'Long is the road...'

12:04 PM

'Long is the road, ancient and often hard,
Yet O! What warm reward it promises!'

I read these beautiful lines on the internet today and the essence of the words triggered a plethora of thoughts in my heart and mind.
We just ought to think, feel and act our way towards our aspirations and rest everything will automatically follow. It has to...afterall it is bound by the universal law of cause and effect. Life may test us, time may torment us but we need to be certain that our due will come to us. No matter what... Sooner or later, we will be rewarded for all our efforts.
It has happened to scores of people before us...They slogged throughout their lives, kept their faith and dreams alive only to be applauded and appreciated in the end.
Life and nature never lets you down...it has its queer ways of working though.

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