9:17 AM
'...I have dreams to fulfill...
and promises to keep
and miles to go...
before I sleep...'
It might take a little longer than others but my dreams and ambitions will eventually culminate into a beautiful reality. Life tests you, foxes you but I'll stick to my guns.
People will question your capabilities and they are justified too. After all, you are as good as you perform. At the end of the day, you have to deliver the 'goods'. And remember, there aren't any free lunches around.
You might be helluva talented, diligent and deserving but you have gotta prove yourself and perform in tangible measurable terms.
There aren't any takers for people who fail. That's the way the world works.And its perfectly fair. You should not be forgiven for your failures and non-performance.
But I believe I 'll have my day. Every dog has its day, isn't it? I know not the when but it will be...it has to be...
'Coz nothing succeeds like success and I hate failing...